Sunday, June 3, 2012

Marvellous Creations

My favourite indulgence are the new range of treaties from Cadbury.
They are scrumdiddlyumscious!

Yummy Cadbury choc, with jelly bits, like jelly baby bits but jellier, and cruchie bits through.

And here we have jelly, popping candy and beanies.
A nice surprise with the popping candy, beanies, like Smarties but with Cadbury chocolate, so you get the crunch of the sugar shell, with the beloved jelly bits too.

There is another flavour that they are yet to release in a bar... sneaky Cadbury!! Oh and to conclude, my favourite is definitely the top one.

Both these photos are taken in my car: nothing like driving and enjoying a treat at the same time.
Just my little indulgence. My little time out. 
Whats your indulgence? Anything scrumptious for some time out?

Friday, June 1, 2012